Saturday, August 13, 2011

Artists and Writers. Who needs them?

Hello everyone!

So today I just finished some of my own writing, and my own artwork and I am feeling very satisfied. However, I stumbled across a post today online that rubbed me the wrong way. It went something like this " Writers need Artists" . The reason this rubbed me the wrong way is mainly because of how this was said. It's true, writers do need artists, if they are creating a comic book. Artists do need writers if they are expecting professional content throughout their stories, web content and promotions.

How this was said though, is it was belittling writers. Feeling a little belittled and underestimated by this post, I can safely say that writers and artists both need to come together within the comic industry. Without either you don't have a very good title. A great script can't hold up terrible art and terrible art will never be able to hold a great story. There has been success on both sides, but that title didn't always continue.

The craft of writing is much more then just writing comic scripts and screen plays. I find that a lot of people don't consider this when speaking in terms of creating a solid title. Sure, the art is great and amazing to look at, but without the writer you just have the art. The story is what is suppose to bring life to the comic, if not then it can just become a book. Sure it requires more work on the writers end, but that option is available.

Of course the artist can just do pin-ups and such and also shine that way too. I must clarify though that both an artist and a writer don't absolutely need each other. Both of them can stand on their own very well. It's when they come together is when magic happens and a rush of excitement and a thrilling ride is thrown at the audience and readers that make them go "WOW" .

I personally read comics, the key word here is read. Although I can marvel at the artwork and do have a deep appreciation for it, if the story isn't great, I won't touch it. However, there are others who read comics strictly for the art work. The story to them is alright but the "wow factor" comes from the art.

To end this here, being both an artist and a writer, neither should be under estimated in the comic industry. They both have a lot to bring to the table in creating something amazing.

This is Sean signing out.

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